Sunday 13 December 2009

Christmas Festivites in the City!!

Hello All!!!

First of all, my sincere apologies....I have not totally FORGOT about my blog (well....okay thats a bit of a white lie...) but in all honesty, just been busy!!! Teaching, shopping, socializing....sleeping, getting over being sick...Oh my goodness....So, I believe I left off chatting about the walk about I went on with Grant and Jessica to Tower Hill, in which we saw the London Eye, Big Ben, Parliament, Westminster Abbey Church....etc....etc.....

Hmmm...well since the weekend of the 23rd of Novenberish...when I last wrote on the blog....the following week I worked the full week at one of my favourite schools here in which I was up for an full time position there in the class I worked with, but was not appointed in the end...which is okay. Absolutely wonderful school though....

Again, some of this may be repeated as I have not read over the previous blog, and sadly its been that long since I have written.....

On November 25th, a few friends and I were planning on going to see the play, "Avenue Q"...however, at the last minute a few people had things come up, so it ended up being Steve (a fellow Canadian teacher here in London) and I going to see the play. After visiting a few ticket stops, we managed to find two tickets for 13 pound each! Decent seats too.... The play itself was based on the Muppets, racism, sexual inuendo......bottom line HILARIOUS bascially....There was even hardcore MUPPET SEXING....OMG I do not think I will ever think of muppets the same way again....It was soooo funny that both Steve and I were killing ourselves laughing to the point that we were in tears and could barely breathe...Just was one of those "you have to see it to believe it"kind of plays....and SO out of line in SOO many ways!!!! AWESOME NIGHT!!!!

Then, unfortunately, on Friday, November 27th, I began to feel the cold/influenza coming on....and some of my friends here in London....let me rephrase....ONE know who you are STEVE :P:P:P..... had me basically convinced and freaking out that I had swine flu....first of all....not cool to joke about!!! It was funny in the end though only because I did not have swine flu....just unfortunately had alot of similar symptoms....I did work the course of that week, except for the Tuesday when I woke up with fever, sweats, headache, chills, stuffy head, name it, I basically had it all and it was so HORRIBLE!!! By the time Saturday rolled around... I could barely move a muscle without my head this was worse than a far....

Finally I had to go to an after hours clinc that morning...I was getting really worries and feeling dreadful....Get the the clinic, and it was beautiful!!! Chandelier lighting, everything sparkled....BEAUTIFUL! Anyways, I went into the office and was told I had come down with " Classic Sinacitus"....OMG ....anyways given an antibotic along with a list of additional medications I needed to pruchase as well.....get to the reception desk and am given a 90 pound bill!!! WHAT???!!!! Thats why I was the only idiot in that office!! 75 pound for a 20 min. consutlation that I was not aware of at all....the consultation btw.....whatever they called the consultation...was a whole 30 seconds!!! the medication was then 15 pound.....90 pound later!!! At that point though, I was too sick to care, and just paid it and went home to let the healing begin.....thank god those meds worked...within that week and now I feel fabulous again, but man that week was horrible....I had to quaranteen myself away from the world for a week and a half!!! Anyhow, that's all over now...thank goodness....I feel like me again....

More to come soon....I promise:) Back to bed for alittle bit now though.....


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